Staying Alone In Lockdown: Doctor’s Advice On Anxiety And Loneliness
Bhopal: Prime Minister announced a 21-day lockdown nationwide and he stated that lockdown is essential to stop community spread of COVID19. At the moment, the positive COVID19 cases cross 6000 and around 150 death.
Well, quarantine wards and lockdown will help the society and nation. But it is uncertain condition and it also tends to anxiety and panic especially for those who live alone away from family.
Many people are staying alone in different cities for work and they can not move to their home town because of safety reason. In addition, their daily routine will be disturbed because there is no office and no fixed meal time. People are not allowed to go out and hence all the means of entertainment is unavailable like hanging out with friends, movies, parks, and parties.
In this condition, man people may face anxiety. Here we have some words of expert doctors on how to stay healthy in lockdown period.

Talk Over Video Calls With Family And Friends
Parul Adlakha, clinical psychologist said, “Many of us now are working from home and have shifted our base to online medium. But the thing is during this period, there is a lot of anxiety. In such cases, I would suggest very simple things. Take a lot of breaks, even when you are doing office work. Do not take stress even where there is pressure about completing your KRAs. Do things that you absolutely like doing. We often crib about the fact that we don’t have time to do things; now you have the time, so you can fulfill those hobbies. Keep some part of the day for recreation. Imbibe a few relaxation techniques and procedures like deep breathing exercises. Talk to people about what is bothering you and fearing you; it is okay to talk, or better, consult online. It is better to have interactions on social medium.”
Anxiety May Affect Immunity
“People, who are living alone, away from their families, are really stressed. And stress also gives you mild symptoms of fever, which is now a symptom of Covid-19. So it is best to not panic and worry right now, because this can affect your immune system. Some things like maintaining a good sleep-wake schedule is important, otherwise you will disrupt your cycle, leading to fatigue. Then, half an hour of physical activity is a must. So do things like skipping and jumping jacks around the house. Talking to people and reading limited news related to Covid-19 is also important. Pick up a hobby, do a course on coursera or cook new recipes. This can help you deal with stress. Meditation, deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation are also helpful techniques,” clinical psychologist Samriddhi Khatri said.

Cut Off Is Better
“Now that the world has come to a standstill, it is important to keep in touch with friends and family. Because when we begin to feel anxious, we think it is okay to cut off from people. In isolation, anxiety kind of grows inside our heads. So, what’s helpful for all of us is to remain connected through WhatsApp or phone calls. Since it is a long period of isolation, it is best to pick up a hobby right now and work on it. Pick up things like gardening. Right now, a lot of us are drawn to reading about coronavirus, because we think that if we know about it, we will have control over it, but that is not the case. The uncertainty leads to you wanting to figure things out, but it is just an illusion. So dedicate only a few hours to reading the news. It is okay to cut off. Also, now that we have the time, it is important to exercise, which will in turn make you happy,” said Shreya Verma, clinical psychologist.
Stick To Your Schedule
Atul Verma, director, Unique Institute of Behavioral Sciences, said “People aren’t used to this situation as there is going to be less social contact. So the most important thing right now is to maintain your daily routine. You follow a certain routine when you go to office; follow that routine now too. Otherwise you will disrupt your sleep-wake cycle and disturb your mental health. Also now that you are at home, you are restricted, so chances of doing exercises are limited. But one shouldn’t stop working out, because if you stop, then it will lead to depression or anxiety. Do endorphin-releasing exercises like stretching and yoga. Maintain your social contact through video calls, chats and phone calls. Also, it is important to remember that this is temporary and not a life-long thing; that this will end. Start working on things that you couldn’t pick up because of the hectic schedules earlier. Also, many psychological institutions have extended help online free of cost or for nominal charges. So people can seek consultation online.”

Stay Calm And Positive
According to Mansi Arya, counselling psychologist, “First of all, we all need to stay positive and calm at an individual level. It is all in the perspective of the situation. Like every coin has two sides, this situation does too. Every person that we as psychologists talk to, has one complaint that they don’t have time. Now that we are getting so much time for ourselves, it is best to invest it in things that we love to do. Pick up things like exercising – cardio workout, circuit training or Surya Namaskar, as it is all available on YouTube. As for your mental fitness, we can sit down and revisit our long-term goals in life, personal, family and financial, and get a clear perspective. Also, start meditating daily. Start reading a lot of books and if you love writing, hone that skill once again. People should also stop obsessing over the fear of the virus. You can focus on your diet right now. Get in touch with people you have not been talking to for a very long time. Take a trip down memory lane, because nostalgia is the best pastime right now. Pick up your movie collection or music collection and just enjoy some time. You can also indulge in a lot of self-pampering. Pick up hobbies like gardening or dancing, which will give you a sense of achievement. The most important thing is to stop multiplying your fear. This is also the best time to enjoy your company, because there is the least chance of difference of opinion here.”