MAGADH DARPAN is the fastest growing News Portal of India. You can grow with us by combining your journalism talent with technology. You will get your unique identity with us. We always support our reporters to get fresh and valuable content via events, interviews, etc.
News Reporters collect and analyze info of interest, together with crime, government and breaking news, and broadcast it to the general public through newspapers, television, radio and also the web. They gather info, write coverage, conduct interviews, report on-air and edit broadcasts. News Reporters typically cowl specific beats, like education, and should work severally or with a team of alternative reporters, generally underneath the direction of an editor or producer.
A reporter is a multitalented personality. Do you have a reporter’s skills?
• Excellent live reporting skills and strong on-camera presentation skills
• Strong writing skills, and skill to convey data in a very clear, terse and colloquial manner
• Able to work a flexible schedule, including nights and weekends
• Ability to interact professionally and build relationships and sources
• Strong research skills, including the ability to navigate online search engines
Advanced Skills:
• Anchoring Experience
• Social Media experience
• Multimedia experience
• Bilingual in English and Hindi
Responsibilities of a reporter
• Gather and verify information
• Conduct interviews with witnesses, law enforcement officers, politicians, and celebrities.
• Communicating with others to properly represent the real story.
• Follow the confidentiality and privacy of the people they interview or write about.
• Journalists must also understand the laws regarding libel and invasion of privacy.
• Must strive to present an accurate, well-balanced explanation of the stories they cover.
• Reporters must also be honest with the people they interview, telling them before talking to them what the article is about and that they plan to quote them in the piece.
Upholding the Truth by verification
A reporter maintains the importance of objective verification to represent real consequences and causes of any event or accident. He inherits the habit of verifying news consistently. Strict conformance of verification shows that a reporter is unbiased and he takes over reporting without sneaking in personal and cultural bias.
Unbiased Reporting
A reporter should be always unbiased according to laws of journalism. A reporter presents the reports with all sides and all point of views on any matter. He or she should include all positive and negative sides of possible situations and presents News very transparently.
Be A Watchdog for the Public
A reporter can speak to people, know their problems and represent their matters in front of society and Government. Such reports are 100% genuine because a reporter is presenting public views with responsibility and not as propaganda or any agenda of any political party.
Easy understanding
News reports should be in very easy and simple language with valuable information or content. Keep updating people of what is happening on a daily bases. Presents report in a storytelling way.
Making important News Interesting
Reports stories should be interesting with facts and easily connect with the audience interest. It also answers all the questions of readers’ mind and engages the audience through different ways of presentation
Fill the below form or send your resume at to join with us as a reporter.
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