On June 27, 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a significant announcement by launching five Vande Bharat Express trains. This commendable initiative marks the highest number of Vande Bharat trains ever launched in a single day, showcasing the government’s commitment to improving transportation and connectivity across the country. Let’s delve into the details of this groundbreaking development.
Expanding Railway Network: Connecting States and Boosting Tourism
Underlining the importance of efficient travel and promoting tourism, the Prime Minister inaugurated five Vande Bharat Express trains for different routes in four states. The launch of these trains aims to enhance connectivity and facilitate seamless journeys for passengers. Additionally, it will contribute to the growth of the tourism industry in these regions. This milestone event follows a previous unfortunate incident in Balasore, making it the first launch of a new Vande Bharat train after that incident.
Names of the New Vande Bharat Trains
1. Bhopal-Indore Vande Bharat Express (20911-20912)
2. Bhopal-Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express (20173-20174)
3. Patna-Ranchi Vande Bharat Express (22349-22350)
4. Bengaluru-Dharwad Vande Bharat Express (20661-20662)
5. Mumbai-Madgaon Vande Bharat Express (22229-22230)
Details of all 5 New Vande Bharat Trains
Bhopal-Indore Vande Bharat Express (20911-20912)
The Bhopal-Indore Vande Bharat Express train will commence its commercial operations on June 28, 2023. This new transportation infrastructure will significantly improve travel between these two important cities in Madhya Pradesh. It will enhance connectivity and ease of access to the region’s cultural, tourist, and religious destinations.
Bhopal-Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express (20173-20174)
Starting from June 28, 2023, train number 20173-74, the Bhopal-Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express, will revolutionize connectivity between the Mahakaushal (Jabalpur) and central (Bhopal) regions of Madhya Pradesh. The improved accessibility and ease of travel facilitated by this connection will provide a tremendous boost to the tourism sectors in both regions.
Patna-Ranchi Vande Bharat Express (22349-22350)
The Patna-Ranchi Vande Bharat Express (22349-22350) will embark on its commercial run from June 28, 2023. Introducing the first-ever Vande Bharat train in Bihar and Jharkhand, this initiative fosters better transportation links between the two states. It will notably benefit tourists, students, and others who rely on efficient travel between Bihar and Jharkhand.
Bengaluru-Dharwad Vande Bharat Express (20661-20662)
Commencing its commercial run on June 28, 2023, the Bengaluru-Dharwad Vande Bharat Express will bridge the gap between the significant cities of Dharwad and Hubballi with the state capital Bengaluru in Karnataka. This improved transportation link will enhance connectivity within the region, benefiting various groups such as tourists,
students, and industrialists.
Mumbai-Madgaon Vande Bharat Express (22229-22230)
The highly anticipated Goa (Madgaon)-Mumbai Vande Bharat Express is a momentous addition to Goa’s transportation infrastructure. Operating between Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus and Goa’s bustling Madgaon station, this train will play a pivotal role in bolstering tourism in both Goa and Maharashtra. Its seamless connectivity will unlock new opportunities for travelers, contributing to the economic growth and development of the region.
During the monsoon season, the Mumbai-Madgaon Vande Bharat Express will be operational only three days a week due to weather conditions in the Konkan region. The journey duration during this season may extend up to 10 hours. However, post-monsoon season, the train’s frequency will increase to six days a week.
With the launch of these five new Vande Bharat Express trains, the total count of operational Vande Bharat Express trains across India reaches an impressive 23. This significant expansion will undoubtedly strengthen the nation’s railway network and improve travel experiences for passengers across various regions.